
仲健瀚2022年01月13日 21:46 阅读 (14) 都市,体育小说结局


Exercise 2

Part B


You are going to read a text about stupidity for dummies, followed by a list of examples. Choose the best example from the list AF for each numbered subheading (4145). There is one extra example which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)

Sternberg,an expert in intelligence testing,contends that,contrary to public belief,stupidness is not the opposite of *artness.He points out that many of the singularly idiotic acts that come to public attention are the work of people who are,in fact,highly intelligent.He argues instead that stupidity is more properly viewed as the opposite of wisdom—which he sees as the ability to apply knowledge to achieve a common good.His“imbalance theory of foolishness”suggests that there are aspects of life as a *art person that actually foster stupidity.Which is to say,it sometimes takes a really *art person to do something truly stupid. Sternberg recently took the time to answer some of our stupid questions.

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  • 2006年考研英语新题型40篇主要内容讲的是什么?

    篇章句子的连贯性一般是通过重复使用某些关键词、词组,或使用对等结构、代词呼应尤其需要大家清楚it, this, these, that, those; he, she; here, there等词具体指代的是什么)、人称和数的一致或使用表示转折意义的词或词组等这样一些技巧来实现的。

  • 2006年考研英语新题型40篇的结局是什么?(主角最后怎么了)

    You are going to read a text about stupidity for dummies, followed by a list of examples. Choose the best example from the list AF for each numbered subheading (4145). There is one extra example which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on ANSWER

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  • 2006年考研英语新题型40篇小说txt下载

    下载文件格式为txt格式,文件大小约:72.72KB,原著作者是佚名,主要讲述的内容为:篇章句子的连贯性一般是通过重复使用某些关键词、词组,或使用对等结构、代词呼应尤其需要大家清楚it, this, these, that, those; he, she; here, there等词具体指代的是什么)、人称和数的一致或使用表示...