The Lost Princechapter12主要内容讲的是什么?

苍傲桃 2022年11月04日 10:24 阅读 (27) 都市小说主要内容

The Lost Princechapt摘要

He got into the battered tin bath every morning, he sat at the clean table, and could look at Loristan and speak to him


The Lost Princechapt主要讲的人物和事物有:、。

The Lost Princechapt是什么类型的小说?

The Lost Princechapt的小说类型是都市小说主要内容。

The Lost Princechapt的作者是谁?

The Lost Princechapt的作者是:佚名。

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The Lost Princechapter12主要内容讲的是:

He got into the battered tin bath every morning, he sat at the

clean table, and could look at Loristan and speak to him and hear

his voice。

His chief trouble was that he could hardly keep his

eyes off him, and he was a little afraid he might be annoyed。

But he could not bear to lose a look or a movement。

At the end of the second day, he found his way, at some trouble,

to Lazaruss *all back room at the top of the house。

``Will you let me come in and talk a bit?

he said。

When he went in, he was obliged to sit on the top of Lazaruss

wooden box because there was nothing else for him。

``I want to ask you, he plunged into his talk at once, ``do you

think he minds me looking at him so much?

I cant help it————but

if he hates it————well————Ill try and keep my eyes on the table。

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