The Romany Ryechapter12主要内容讲的是什么?

索宇尚 2022年11月04日 07:26 阅读 (11) 都市小说主要内容

The Romany Ryechapte摘要

Sitting down, I fixed my eyes upon the blaze, and soon fell into a deep meditation。 I thought of the events of the day,


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The Romany Ryechapter12主要内容讲的是:

Sitting down, I fixed my eyes upon the blaze, and soon fell

into a deep meditation。

I thought of the events of the day,

the scene at church, and what I had heard at church, the

danger of losing ones soul, the doubts of Jasper Petulengro

as to whether one had a soul。

I thought over the various

arguments which I had either heard, or which had come

spontaneously to my mind, for or against the probability of a

state of future existence。

They appeared to me to be

tolerably evenly balanced。

I then thought that it was at all

events taking the safest part to conclude that there was a


It would be a terrible thing, after having passed

ones life in the disbelief of the existence of a soul, to

wake up after death a soul, and to find ones self a lost


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