The Romany Ryechapter28主要内容讲的是什么?

公乐人 2022年11月04日 09:07 阅读 (18) 都市小说主要内容

The Romany Ryechapte摘要

I was destined to see at this inn more acquaintances than one。 On the day of Francis Ardrys departure, shortly after he


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The Romany Ryechapter28主要内容讲的是:

I was destined to see at this

inn more acquaintances than one。

On the day of Francis

Ardrys departure, shortly after he had taken leave of me, as

I was standing in the corn——chamber, at a kind of writing——

table or desk, fastened to the wall, with a book before me,

in which I was making out an account of the corn and hay

lately received and distributed, my friend the postillion

came running in out of breath。

Here they both are, he

gasped out; pray do come and look at them。

Whom do you mean?

said I。

Why, that red——haired Jack Priest, and that idiotic parson,

Platitude; they have just been set down by one of the

coaches, and want a postchaise to go across the country in;

and what do you think?

I am to have the driving of them。

have no time to lose, for I must get myself ready; so do come

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