The Shuttlechapter04主要内容讲的是什么?

党安翔 2022年11月04日 07:16 阅读 (21) 都市小说主要内容

The Shuttlechapter04摘要

She was of the New Yorkers who adore their New York as Parisians adore Paris and who feel that only within its beloved b


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The Shuttlechapter04主要内容讲的是:

She was of the New

Yorkers who adore their New York as Parisians adore Paris

and who feel that only within its beloved boundaries can the

breath of life be breathed。

People were often too hot or too

cold there, but there was usually plenty of bright glaring sun,

and the extremes of the weather had at least something rather

dramatic about them。

There were dramatic incidents connected

with them, at any rate。

People fell dead of sunstroke

or were frozen to death, and the newspapers were full of

anecdotes during a cold snap or a torrid wave, which

all made for excitement and conversation。

But at Stornham the rain seemed to young Lady Anstruthers

to descend ceaselessly。

The season was a wet one, and when

she rose in the morning and looked out over the huge stretch of

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