Twenty Years at Hull Housechapter01主要内容讲的是什么?

宦新晴 2022年11月05日 05:28 阅读 (29) 都市小说主要内容

Twenty Years at Hull摘要

I was one of the younger members of a large family and an eager participant in the village life, but because my father w


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Twenty Years at Hull的小说类型是都市小说主要内容。

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Twenty Years at Hull Housechapter01主要内容讲的是:

I was one of

the younger members of a large family and an eager participant in

the village life, but because my father was so distinctly the

dominant influence and because it is quite impossible to set

forth all of ones early impressions, it has seemed simpler to

string these first memories on that single cord。

Moreover, it

was this cord which not only held fast my supreme affections, but

also first drew me into the moral concerns of life, and later

afforded a clew there to which I somewhat wistfully clung in the

intricacy of its mazes。

It must have been from a very early period that I recall horrid

nights when I tossed about in my bed because I had told a lie。

was held in the grip of a miserable dread of death, a double

fear, first, that I myself should die in my sins and go straight

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