Twenty Years at Hull Housechapter02主要内容讲的是什么?

莘鸣游 2022年11月05日 08:42 阅读 (25) 都市小说主要内容

Twenty Years at Hull摘要

Five of their sons had enlisted in the Civil War, and only the youngest had returned alive in the spring of 1865。 In the


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Twenty Years at Hull是什么类型的小说?

Twenty Years at Hull的小说类型是都市小说主要内容。

Twenty Years at Hull的作者是谁?

Twenty Years at Hull的作者是:佚名。

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Twenty Years at Hull Housechapter02主要内容讲的是:

Five of their sons had enlisted in the Civil

War, and only the youngest had returned alive in the spring of


In the autumn of the same year, when he was hunting for

wild ducks in a swamp on the rough little farm itself, he was

accidently shot and killed, and the old people were left alone to

struggle with the half——cleared land as best they might。

When we

were driven past this forlorn little farm our childish voices

always dropped into speculative whisperings as to how the

accident could have happened to this remaining son out of all the

men in the world, to him who had escaped so many chances of


Our young hearts swelled in first rebellion against that

which Walter Pater calls the inexplicable shortcoming or

misadventure on the part of life itself; we were overwhelmingly

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