
缪展畅2023年04月27日 23:48 阅读 (24) 仙侠小说结局


"yes, my friend," said the old man, rousing himself from his dreams, "it needs faith, faith in art, and you must live for long with your work to produce such a creation. what toil some of those shadows have cost me. look! there is a faint shadow there upon the cheek beneath the eyes--if you saw that on a human face, it would seem to you that you could never render it with paint. do you think that that effect has not cost unheard of toil?

"but not only so, dear porbus. look closely at my work, and you will understand more clearly what i was saying as to methods of modeling and outline. look at the high lights on the bosom, and see how by touch on touch, thickly laid on, i have raised the surface so that it catches the light itself and blends it with the lustrous whiteness of the high lights, and how by an opposite process, by flattening the surface of the paint, and leaving no trace of the passage of the brush, i have succeeded in softening the contours of my figures and enveloping them in half-tints until the very idea of drawing, of the means by which the effect is produced, fades away, and the picture has the roundness and relief of nature. come closer. you will see the manner of working better; at a little distance it can not be seen. there i just there, it is, i think, very plainly to be seen," and with the tip of his brush he pointed out a patch of transparent color to the two painters.

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    未来千年文学备忘录-卡尔维诺下载文件格式为txt格式,文件大小约:291.07KB,原著作者是佚名,未来千年文学备忘录-卡尔维诺主要讲述的内容为:他的小说《生活中不可忍受之轻》the unbearable lightness of being)实际上是对生活中无法躲避的沉重表示出来的一种苦涩的认可,这不仅仅存在于他的祖国命定遭受的那种极度的、无所不及的受*的处境之中,也存在于我们大家...

  • 未来千年文学备忘录-卡尔维诺主要内容讲的是什么?

    他的小说《生活中不可忍受之轻》the unbearable lightness of being)实际上是对生活中无法躲避的沉重表示出来的一种苦涩的认可,这不仅仅存在于他的祖国命定遭受的那种极度的、无所不及的受*的处境之中,也存在于我们大家所处的人类命运之中,尽管我们可能要比他们幸运十倍、百倍。

  • 未来千年文学备忘录-卡尔维诺的目录章节详细介绍

    这些鸿沟的两侧常常被虽然很轻、虽然微小的旋转气流也不时引起摆动、却十分坚固的构件连接起来;似乎这些鸿沟为了安定自己的神经间或也需要有一枚探锤投下,以测量那深渊的深度,有一件事实已经一成不变地存在,这就是:她看起来一向没有感觉到需要反驳他对于她秘藏心底而不敢明言的一个念头的责备;这个念头,直到他们最近推心置腹的讨论结尾,才被和盘托出。【丛林猛兽】,the beast in the jungle,第三章)

  • 未来千年文学备忘录-卡尔维诺的结局是什么?(主角最后怎么了)

    porbus, laying a hand on the old artists shoulder, turned to poussin with a "do you know that in him we see a very great painter?"