
武向萍 2024年01月07日 08:05 阅读 (11) 都市小说主要内容


But when I reached the top of the hill,I turned a little sadly,to take my last look at the dominies house,and Essendean churchyard,where my father and mother lay.










1 David meets his uncle

It was early in the month of June,1751,when I shut the door of our house behind me for the last time.All my life I had lived in the quiet little village of Essendean,in the Lowlands of Scotland,where my father had been the dominie,or schoolteacher.But now that he and my mother were both dead,I had to leave the house.The new dominie would soon arrive,and he would teach at the school and live in the dominies house.So,although I was only seventeen,there was nowhere for me to live,and no reason for me to stay in Essendean.

But my heart was beating with excitement as I walked down the road,because in my hand I carried the letter that my father had given me just before he died.‘Davie,’he had said,hen I am dead,take this to the house of Shaws,near Cramond.That‘s where I came from,and that‘s where you must go.Put this letter into the hands of Ebenezer Balfour.’

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  • 诱拐的结局是什么?(主角最后怎么了)

    After Ebenezer had thought about it, he decided to do what Alan wanted. It took him a long time to come downstairs, and a longer time to unlock the heavr door,but at last we saw him in the doorway, holding his gun in his shaking hands.

  • 诱拐小说txt下载

    诱拐下载文件格式为txt格式,文件大小约:67.15KB,原著作者是佚名,诱拐主要讲述的内容为:But when I reached the top of the hill,I turned a little sadly,to take my last look at the dominies house,and Essendean ...

  • 诱拐主要内容讲的是什么?

    But when I reached the top of the hill,I turned a little sadly,to take my last look at the dominies house,and Essendean churchyard,where my father and mother lay.