
都志峻2024年02月09日 08:02 阅读 (9) 都市小说结局


The higher up, the greater the fall.鐖緱楂橈紝鎽斿緱鎯ㄣ€?

The leopard cannot change its spots.鏈€ч毦绉汇€?

The more noble, the more humble.浜鸿秺楂樺皻锛岃秺璋﹁櫄銆?

The more wit, the less courage.鍒濈敓鐗涚妸涓嶆€曡檸銆? The outsider sees the most of the game.鏃佽鑰呮竻銆?

The pen is mightier than the sword.绗旇兘鏉€浜恒€?

The pot calls the kettle black.浜斿崄姝ョ瑧鐧炬銆?

There are spots in the sun.澶槼涔熸湁榛戠偣銆?

There are two sides to every question.闂鐨嗘湁涓ら潰銆?

There is a skeleton in the cupboard.瀹跺鏈夋湰闅惧康鐨勭粡銆?

There is kindness to be found everywhere.浜洪棿澶勫鏈夋俯鎯呫€?

There is no general rule without some exception.浠讳綍娉曡鍧囨湁渚嬪銆?

There is no medicine against death.娌℃湁闀跨敓涓嶈€佽嵂銆?

There is no place like home.閲戠獫閾剁獫涓嶅鍜辩殑鐙楃獫銆?

There is no royal road to learning.涔﹀北鏈夎矾鍕や负寰勶紝瀛︽捣鏃犳动鑻︿綔鑸熴€?

The style is the man.瀛楀鍏朵汉銆?

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  • 谚语500句小说txt下载

    谚语500句下载文件格式为txt格式,文件大小约:32.61KB,原著作者是佚名,谚语500句主要讲述的内容为:閫嗗鍑轰汉鎵嶃€? A fair death honors the whole life。 姝诲緱鍏舵墍锛屾祦鑺崇櫨涓栥€? A faithful friend is hard to find。 鐭ラ煶闅捐銆? A fall into ...

  • 谚语500句的结局是什么?(主角最后怎么了)

    The more wit, the less courage.鍒濈敓鐗涚妸涓嶆€曡檸銆? The outsider sees the most of the game.鏃佽鑰呮竻銆?

  • 谚语500句主要内容讲的是什么?

    閫嗗鍑轰汉鎵嶃€? A fair death honors the whole life。 姝诲緱鍏舵墍锛屾祦鑺崇櫨涓栥€? A faithful friend is hard to find。 鐭ラ煶闅捐銆? A fall into