
贡泽齐2023年07月14日 09:18 阅读 (38) 奇幻小说结局



While the rest of the world carried on cycling during the 1950s and 1960s, America forgot how;even high-school children would drive to school. Recently there has been something of a renaissance in cycling, and in many areas it is a very useful way of getting around , especially where bike paths or bike routes have been established. You may well want to buy, hire or borrow a bike.

There are two important consequences(后果) of this earlier decline in cycling in the USA. One is that many people do not know how to cycle. That is , cyclists often behave more like pedestrians(行人) than motorists: they ride on the pavement(人行道) or on the wrong side of the road; they ignore stop signs and traffic lights; they ride without lights at night;they give no hand signal(示意). The other consequence is that cycling is regarded by many people not so much as a way of getting from A to B but as a way of life, a form of exercise, etc. As a result , large number of young Americans have ten-speed racing bikes. These are very hight and fast and great if you are cycling long distance , riding up mountains or racing. At first , though, you may find them awkward(笨拙) for cycling in town, sight-seeing or shopping--they are expensive, uncomfortable and hard to control until you get used to them, and unsuitable for bumpy(崎岖不平的) groundor stony roads.

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  • 美国快餐文化和词汇大全主要内容讲的是什么?

    They eat almost everything with a fork, and it appears that holding a knife in ones right hand longer than a few seconds is considered to be against good table manners。

  • 美国快餐文化和词汇大全的结局是什么?(主角最后怎么了)

    When you travel by bike, always ride on the right of the road. The safest way to turn left is to stay at the edge of the road, stop opposite the point that you want to cross to and then go straight over when the road is clear.

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  • 美国,我不说爱你全集小说txt下载

    美国,我不说爱你全集下载文件格式为txt格式,文件大小约:601.31KB,原著作者是佚名,美国,我不说爱你全集主要讲述的内容为:*尽管在无奈中飘泊无定,精神却始终如一地固守着。 几乎每一个时代都会有一方令人神往的净土。 不管是存在还是虚构,为的是归自然和人性。 中国东晋的“桃花源”,上世纪20年代至今,全世界都在寻找的“香格里拉”,都证明了这点。 女*多耽于幻想。 ...

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