
卢哲舟 2023年07月24日 08:03 阅读 (15) 都市小说主要内容


‘Now,sir,last market——day we met on this road at the same time,and I said “Good night”and you answered“Good night,Sir John,”as you did just now.’










The Maiden

One evening at the end of May a middle——aged man was walking home from Shaston to the village of Marlott in the Vale of Blackmoor.His legs were thin and weak,and he could not walk in a straight line.He had an empty egg——basket on his arm, and his hat was old and worn.After a while he passed an elderly parson riding a grey horse.

‘Good night,’said the man with the basket.

‘Good night,Sir John,’said the parson.

After another step or two the man stopped and turned round to speak to the parson.

‘Now,sir,last market——day we met on this road at the same time,and I said “Good night”and you answered“Good night,Sir John,”as you did just now.’

‘I did,’said the parson.

‘And once before that,almost a month ago.’

‘I may have.’

‘So why do you call me Sir John,when I am only John Durbeyfield?

The parson rode nearer,and after a moment hesitation,explained:‘It was because I‘ve discovered something of historical interest.I am Parson Tringham,the historian.Do you really not know,Durbeyfield,that you are a direct descendant of the ancient and noble family of the d’Urbervilles?

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    ‘Now,sir,last market——day we met on this road at the same time,and I said “Good night”and you answered“Good night,Sir John,”as you did just now.’

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