
卢哲舟2023年07月24日 08:03 阅读 (15) 都市小说结局


But I don't want to be alive when you reject me for it.’

They stayed for one more day,but the caretaker came early that fine sunny morning.She wanted to open the windows in the bedrooms,which she did not usually do,and opened their bedroom door.She saw the young couple lying in the big bed,fast asleep,and hurried away to tell her neighbours.

Tess and Angel woke soon after,and decided to leave immediately.They dared not stay any longer.When they were in the woods Tess turned to look at the house.

‘So much happiness in that house!’she whispered.‘My life can only be a question of a few weeks.Why couldn't we have stayed there?’

‘Don't say that,Tess!We'll go northwards and get to a port.They won't find us.’

They kept going all day and most of the night,passing the cathedral city of Melchester and reaching open land.It was a windy,cloudy night.They walked on grass,so as not to make any noise on the road.They were alone and in darkness. Suddenly,Clare almost bumped into a great stone rising up in front of him.Moving forwards carefully,they found other stones,standing tall and black against the night sky.

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    They stayed for one more day,but the caretaker came early that fine sunny morning.She wanted to open the windows in the bedrooms,which she did not usually do,and opened their bedroom door.She saw the young couple lying in the big bed,fast asleep,and hurri

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