Warfare of Science with Theologychapter09主要内容讲的是什么?

郭寄云 2022年11月05日 06:52 阅读 (35) 都市小说主要内容

Warfare of Science w摘要

In a previous chapter we saw especially that Lafitau and Jussieu were among the first to collect and compare facts beari


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Warfare of Science with Theologychapter09主要内容讲的是:

In a

previous chapter we saw especially that Lafitau and Jussieu were

among the first to collect and compare facts bearing on the

natural history of man, gathered by travellers in various parts

of the earth, thus laying foundations for the science of

comparative ethnology。

It was soon seen that ethnology had most

important bearings upon the question of the material,

intellectual, moral, and religious evolution of the human race;

in every civilized nation, therefore, appeared scholars who began

to study the characteristics of various groups of men as

ascertained from travellers, and to compare the results thus

gained with each other and with those obtained by archaeology。

Thus, more and more clear became the evidences that the tendency

of the race has been upward from low beginnings。

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