Warfare of Science w摘要
Even in the most enlightened nations still appear popular beliefs, observances, or sayings, drawn from this earlier phas
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Warfare of Science with Theologychapter12主要内容讲的是:
Even in the most enlightened nations still appear
popular beliefs, observances, or sayings, drawn from this earlier
phase of thought。
Between the prehistoric savage developing this theory, and
therefore endeavouring to deal with the powers of Nature by
magic, and the modern man who has outgrown it, appears a long
line of nations struggling upward through it。
As the
hieroglyphs, cuneiform inscriptions, and various other records of
antiquity are read, the development of this belief can be studied
in Egypt, India, Babylonia, Assyria, Persia, and Phoenicia。
these civilizations it came into the early thought of Greece and
Rome, but especially into the Jewish and Christian sacred books。
Both in the Old Testament and in the New we find magic,
witchcraft, and soothsaying constantly referred to as
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