Warfare of Science with Theologychapter14主要内容讲的是什么?

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Warfare of Science w摘要

In the Middle Ages they raged from time to time throughout Europe: such plagues as the Black Death and the sweating sic


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Warfare of Science with Theologychapter14主要内容讲的是:

In the Middle Ages they

raged from time to time throughout Europe: such plagues as the

Black Death and the sweating sickness swept off vast multitudes,

the best authorities estimating that of the former, at the middle

of the fourteenth century, more than half the population of

England died, and that twenty——five millions of people perished in

various parts of Europe。

In 1552 sixty——seven thousand patients

died of the plague at Paris alone, and in 1580 more than twenty


The great plague in England and other parts of Europe

in the seventeenth century was also fearful, and that which swept

the south of Europe in the early part of the eighteenth century,

as well as the invasions by the cholera at various times during

the nineteenth, while less terrible than those of former years,

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