Warfare of Science with Theologychapter08主要内容讲的是什么?

单于辉俊 2022年11月05日 08:11 阅读 (12) 都市小说主要内容

Warfare of Science w摘要

In this chapter I purpose to present some outlines of the work of Anthropology, especially as assisted by Ethnology, in


Warfare of Science w主要讲的人物和事物有:、。

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Warfare of Science with Theologychapter08主要内容讲的是:

In this chapter I purpose to present some outlines of the work of

Anthropology, especially as assisted by Ethnology, in showing

what the evolution of human civilization has been。

Here, too, the change from the old theological view based upon

the letter of our sacred books to the modern scientific view

based upon evidence absolutely irrefragable is complete。


too, we are at the beginning of a vast change in the basis and

modes of thought upon man————a change even more striking than that

accomplished by Copernicus and Galileo, when they substituted for

a universe in which sun and planets revolved about the earth a

universe in which the earth is but the merest grain or atom

revolving with other worlds, larger and *aller, about the sun;

and all these forming but one among innumerable systems。

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